Form Post & Input Field Detail
URL to POST the form
We provide the following styles for form posting:
- STANDARD Form Post:
<form method="POST" action="" />
<form method="POST" action="" />
<form method="POST" action="" />
<form method="POST" action="" />
- BUYNOW Post:
<form method="POST" action="" />
Required & Optional Form Fields
The following tables list all available form fields, along with definitions, field length limits if applicable, and whether or not the field is required (some of which depend on the types of payments you are accepting).
These basic fields are always required:
Field | Description | Examples |
vendor_id | Your ID. Use the randomly generated UID value or your Gateway ID. | <input type="hidden" name="vendor_id" value="12345" /> |
home_page | Your home page URL. | <input type="hidden" name="home_page" value="" /> |
ret_addr | The full URL to which customers are directed after order completion. (This is a page or CGI on your server.) |
<input type="hidden" name="ret_addr" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="ret_addr" value="" /> |
*_desc | Description of item #*. | <input type="hidden" name="1_desc" value="T-Shirt" /> <input type="hidden" name="2_desc" value="Baseball Hat" /> |
*_cost | Cost of item #* |
<input type="hidden" name="1_cost" value="19.95" /> <input type="hidden" name="2_cost" value="14.95" /> <input type="hidden" name="3_cost" value="-10.00" /> (Reduces the overall total by $10.00.) <input type="text" name="4_cost" size="10" /> (This will allow an input field for the amount.) |
*_qty | Quantity of item #*. | <input name="1_qty" value="1" /> <select name="2_qty"> |
*_anything | Any other attribute of the item being ordered. These attributes are optional. Include as many as you'd like. |
<input name="1_size" value="Large" /> <input name="1_color" value="White" /> |
* indicates item number; 1_desc, 2_desc, 3_desc, etc. Note: A field separator of underscore (1_desc) or dash (1-desc) may be used. |
If you will be using either the Split Form or BuyNow format, these fields are required:
Field | Description | Examples |
showaddr | The value of this field must be '1' when using the BuyNow format. Do not use this field if you are using a SplitForm. | <input type="hidden" name="showaddr" value="1" /> |
showcvv | The value of this field must be '1' if you would like to allow the customer to enter the CVV number printed on their credit card. | <input type="hidden" name="showcvv" value="1" /> |
mername | The name of your business. This will appear on the order form on the secure server. | <input type="hidden" name="mername" value="Acme Clothing" /> |
acceptcards | Value must be '1' if you are accepting credit cards. | <input type="hidden" name="acceptcards" value="1" /> |
acceptchecks | Value must be '1' if you are accepting checks. | <input type="hidden" name="acceptchecks" value="1" /> |
accepteft | Value must be '1' if you will be accepting EFT transactions. | <input type="hidden" name="accepteft" value="0" /> |
altaddr | Value must be '1' if you would like to allow customers to enter an alternate shipping address. Valid for credit card transactions only. | <input type="hidden" name="altaddr" value="1" /> |
nonum | Removes the check number field from the BuyNow or SplitForm. (This field is removed automatically if you are accepting EFT payments. | <input type="hidden" name="nonum" value="1" /> |
The fields listed below are optional for the Split Form.
To view the "Form Tags" options, please follow this link
Field | Description | Examples |
show_items | Displays order items on secure page | <input type="hidden" name="show_items" value="1" /> |
disable_cards |
Card acceptance fields are not displayed | <input type="hidden" name="disable_cards" value="1" /> |
disable_checks | Check acceptance fields are not displayed | <input type="hidden" name="disable_checks" value="1" /> |
The fields listed below are optional for any of the order form formats, but can be used to add functionality to your system.
Click on a link for more information.
Field | Description | Examples |
preauth | Perform an authorization ONLY on the customer's credit card. Must be followed-up later with a post-authorization from the Transaction Listing. | <input name="preauth" /> |
ret_mode | Allows the merchant to by-pass the "Continue" page on the server after a successful order. The value can be either "post" or "redirect". |
<input type="hidden" name="ret_mode" value="post" /> <input type="hidden" name="ret_mode" value="redirect" /> |
check_num | Customer's check number. | <input name="check_num" /> |
check_memo | Customer's check memo. Can be input by the customer or included as a specific hidden value by the merchant. The check memo will be printed on the customer's check. | <input name="check_memo" /> |
passback | A value defined by the merchant that will be passed back to the merchant after order completion. This function enables merchants to keep user sessions open, which enables real-time delivery of software, information, etc. (One or more values can be passed.) Please note that each passback field must contain a value. If the field contains no value, you will receive a "nonexistent passback parameter" error. |
save | Enables merchant to save their own transaction data on the gateway. This feature would typically be used to save fields such as passback fields. For more information follow the link below
lookup | Enables Merchant to request specific information about a customer from the processing server. See the example order forms for complete information. |
email_text email_text2 email_text3 ... email_text10 |
You may include up to ten separate text fields that will be appended together, separated with a line space, and included in the body of the confirmation email sent to the customer and merchant. | <input type="hidden" name="email_text" value="Thank you for shopping with us today." /> <input type="hidden" name="email_text2" value="Please shop with us again!" /> |
cust_id (40) | Enables merchant to pass through their own customer ID which will be saved on the gateway and is available in reports and confirmation emails. This can be used to ease the process of reconciling large numbers of transactions to merchant databases. | <input type="hidden" name="cust_id" value="12345ABC" /> |
If you have your own secure server and will be using the standard order form, these fields are required.
Field | Description | Examples |
first_name (50) | Customer's first name. | <input name="first_name" size="30" /> |
last_name (50) | Customer's last name. | <input name="last_name" size="30" /> |
address (100) | Customer's address. | <input name="address" size="30" /> |
city (25) | Customer's city. | <input name="city" size="30" /> |
state (25) | Customer's state. | <input name="state" size="3" /> |
zip (12) | Customer's ZIP or postal code. | <input name="zip" size="10" /> |
country (45) | Customer's country. (If you will be accepting US checks only, you can make this a hidden field type with a value of "US".) | <input name="country" size="30" /> |
phone (25) | Customer's phone number. | <input name="phone" size="15" /> |
email (255) | Customer's email address. | <input name="email" size="15" /> |
ccnum | Credit card number. (If you are accepting credit cards.) |
<input name="ccnum" size="20" /> |
ccswipe | Credit card swipe data. (If you are using swiped credit card data.) |
<textarea name="ccswipe" rows="2" cols="40" /> Example Swipe Data: |
ccmo | Credit card expiration month. (If you are accepting credit cards.)
<select NAME="ccmo"> <option value="January">01</option> <option value="February">02</option> <option value="March">03</option> <option value="April">04</option> <option value="May">05</option> <option value="June">06</option> <option value="July">07</option> <option value="August">08</option> <option value="September">09</option> <option value="October">10</option> <option value="November">11</option> <option value="December">12</option> </select> |
ccyr | Credit card expiration year. (If you are accepting credit cards.)
<select name="ccyr"> <option value="2008">2008</option> <option value="2009">2009</option> <option value="2010">2010</option> <option value="2011">2011</option> <option value="2012">2012</option> <option value="2013">2013</option> <option value="2014">2014</option> <option value="2015">2015</option> </select> |
aba | Customer's 9-digit bank identification number. (If you are accepting checks or EFT.) | <input name="aba" size="10" maxlength="9" /> |
account | Customer's checking account number. (If you are accepting checks or EFT.) | <input name="account" size="15" /> |
The fields listed below are optional for the Standard Form:
Field | Description | Examples |
sfname (50) | Ship-To First Name | <input name="sfname" size="15" /> |
slname (50) | Ship-To Last Name | <input name="slname" size="15" /> |
saddr (100) | Ship-To Address | <input name="saddr" size="15" /> |
scity (25) | Ship-To City | <input name="scity" size="15" /> |
sstate (25) | Ship-To State | <input name="sstate" size="15" /> |
szip (12) | Ship-To Zip Code | <input name="szip" size="15" />
sctry (45) | Ship-To Country | <input name="sctry" size="15" /> |
sec_code (45) | Standard Entry Class Code (May be required for some merchants processing EFTs). | <input name="sec_code" size="3" />
cvv2_number (5) | CVV Entry Field | <input name="cvv2_number"size="5" /> |