The Lookup Function
This function assumes that you are familiar with CGI scripting.
Related Links: Passback Function | Return Mode Function | Return Address | Recurring Postback | PGP
Read the CONSIDERATIONS below before using this function. As always, test your forms before making them live.
The Lookup Function allows you to request specific customer data from the processing server at the time a transaction is processed. All data requested using the Lookup Function is sent directly to the return address (ret_addr) specified in the order form. You may request as many of these as you'd like in one order form.
Using the Lookup Function, customer data may be posted directly to a script on your server and entered directly into your local database.
Fields that are available for use with this function are:
- first_name
- Returns the billing first name
- last_name
- Returns the billing last name
- address
- Returns the billing street address
- city
- Returns the billing city
- state
- Returns the billing city
- zip
- Returns the billing zip
- country
- Returns the billing country
- phone
- Returns the billing phone
- Returns the billing email
- sfname
- Returns the shipping first name
- slname
- Returns the shipping last name
- saddr
- Returns the shipping street address
- scity
- Returns the shipping city
- sstate
- Returns the shipping state
- szip
- Returns the shipping zip
- sctry
- Returns the shipping country
- authcode
- Returns the credit card authorization code.
- cc_last_four
- Returns the last four digits of the card number.
- ck_last_four
- Returns the last four digits of the checking account number.
- cc_name
- Returns the name of the card type used. "Visa", for example.
- total
- Returns the transaction total.
- test_mode
- Returns "1" if your account is in test mode or "0" if it is not in test mode.
- when
- Time/date stamp in format of "20010509134443" - meaning 05/09/2001 at 13:44:43
- xid
- Returns the transaction ID.
- avs_response
- Returns the address verification response.
- cvv2_response
- Returns the CVV response.
- confemail
- Returns "1" if your account is set to send email confirmations to your customers or "0" if confirmations are not sent.
- email_text, email_textx
- Returns the values submitted in the email_text fields.)
- As with any other dynamic web page, your ret_addr (return address) must be a CGI script or some other application, such as CFM or ASP that is capable of parsing the name/value pairs that are passed.
- Requested lookup fields that do not have a value will not be included in the information passed back.
- While in test mode, an authcode lookup will return '000000' and an xid lookup will return '9999999999'.
To use the Lookup Function, simply add the following HTML code to your order form with the appropriate field name. In the example below, the ret_addr field in the order form is:
<input type="hidden" name="lookup" value="authcode" />
<input type="hidden" name="lookup" value="email" />
<input type="hidden" name="lookup" value="total" />
<input type="hidden" name="lookup" value="xid" />
<input type="hidden" name="lookup" value="phone" />
After a successful order has been completed, the customer is returned to the following URL. (Orders are always signed with a PGP Signature when either the LOOKUP or PASSBACK function is used.)
&total=29.95&xid=987654&phone=8015551212&signature=PGP SIGNATURE HERE