Already have a Merchant Account? | ACH / EFT Check Acceptance
These types of businesses are not accepted for our credit card merchant accounts:
(if your business type is on this list, you may still use NiftyPay, but must obtain a separate CCMA based on a processing platform that NiftyPay will support):
- Adoption service
- Age-verification services
- Aggregating
- Airlines
- Animals by mail order
- Audiotext
- Benefit/Incentive programs
- Car rental
- Check cashing service
- Coin dealers
- Collection agencies
- Companion/Escort services
- Coupon/Gift certificates
- Credit card protection
- Currency/Commodity exchanges
- Debt consolidation/Credit counseling/Restoration
- Employment agencies/Recruiters
- E-payments/E-cash
- Financial aid
- Firearms other than retail sporting goods store
- Freight forwarding
- Future fulfillment beyond three months
- Gambling/Lottery/Raffles/Contests
- Hotels
- Illegal products
- Import/Export
- Investment opportunities
- Mortgage payment/Reduction services
- Motels
- Multi-level or pyramid marketing
- Outbound marketing
- Precious metals
- Prescription drugs online
- Restaurants
- Sexually explicit product/services
- Stamp collections
- Timeshare programs
- Travel packages/Coupons/Certificates/Clubs
- Videotext
- Warranty programs/Warranty sales